Make A Difference Day
Make A Difference Day
Make A Difference Day, is one of the largest national days of community service. Celebrated on the fourth Saturday of every October, thousands of volunteers unite in a common mission to improve the lives of others. For over two decades, Points of Light has collaborated with different media to mobilize and celebrate the power of people to make a difference.
On Make a Difference Day NEFAR Charitable sponsors the event and collaborates with the St Johns’ Housing Partnership to provide teams of laborers to handle such projects as paint and repair multiple homes, clean yards and plant new landscaping and additional repairs as needed.
Usually the projects are in one or closely related communities where our work can make the most impact on the beautification projects.
St Johns’ Housing Partnership and NEFAR Charitable have built a strong support system over the years and we truly enjoy working with them on Make A Difference Days.
Check back for information on this year’s “Make a Difference Day”.